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Holistic Educator & Originator of Raggedy Auntie Reads
Raggedy Auntie Reads
A podcast, video, and in-person story and song experience for all ages
Raggedy Auntie started as a dream of a podcast for children. On June 1, 2020, I planned to debut audio reading naptime and bedtime stories. The goal was to encourage young ones to use their imaginations and develop a love for reading. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, I realized that Raggedy Auntie shouldn't wait - she was needed now! So I committed to reading one book per day for my sweet friends in quarantine. Every daily book has a worksheet and ASL interpretation. We created over 60 of these resources, available in perpetuity on YouTube.
Since then, Raggedy Auntie has returned to audio podcast format with sporadic videos available. We have become a household staple for many families because we all need good stories! Your support makes this possible - the more supporters, the more frequently we can update videos.
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Available on most major platforms including Apple, Google, Audible, and Stitcher.
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